Choose the service or services that would benefit you and your business, then let's chat!
Records - Maintenance
$50 - $550+
Meticulous bookkeeping & record keeping services at your fingertips. This service can be simple (spreadsheets) to access surface data or complex (software program) to access in depth data.
Records - Clean Up
$100 - $750+
Being a business owner means being responsible for it all - which can mean that some things lag behind or get forgotten entirely. With SMC Ideal Services, take one task off of your shoulders so that you can focus more attentively on the rest. Clean up services allow you to breathe knowing that pile of receipts and invoices are not on your to do list anymore.
Then once your data is all up to date, we can switch to maintenance services to keep it that way!
It is a little difficult to run a business if you aren't being paid for your services and products! Invoicing is like bookkeeping in that sometimes it is left for another day one too many times until you are staring at a stack of unsent invoices and a low bank account. SMC Ideal Services provides a customized invoice service so that your bank account stays full and your shoulders stay light.
Pricing for Profit Formula
One of the hardest parts about being a product based business owner is pricing what your product is worth! You are running a business - it's not just a hobby. We can work together to ensure that what you are putting on the sales tag will make you a profit while also not costing you business from your ideal customer!
Whether personal or professional, it is impossible to make financially sound decisions without a budget based off of accurate records. Allow SMC Ideal Services to assist you in knowing what purchases your business can make.
Is there something else you or your business needs that is not listed? Just ask!